Clifton Karachi

 Clifton Karachi 

Clifton is located in the southern part of Karachi. Its postcode is 75600. According to the 2017 census, the total population is 160549. In terms of area, it is 43۔4 km and density is 7٫049/ km. It is a beautiful area of ​​Karachi and is one of the most expensive areas.

It includes many famous shopping malls like Cliff shopping mall, The Forum Mall and Ocean Mall Karachi superstores like Asha's Superstore, Paradise Store, hotels, and hospitals south city hospital Ziauddin hospital parkland hospital, in addition, there is a Foreign Commissioner's Office and Consulate and the most famous building is Bahria I Con Tower which is the tallest building in Pakistan and the second tallest building in South Asia. Its height is the 300meter980ft.

Clifton is located in the southern part of Karachi. Its postcode is 75600

Clifton's most famous place is the Arabian Sea coast, which is of interest to both the people of Karachi and those who come here. The view of this beach is very beautiful and charming. The heart wants him to spend his whole life here people keep the scenes in their hearts and in some cameras.

You can come to this beach anytime in 24 hours whenever you have time or whenever you are bored you can walk here walk on the wet sand at the beach and enjoy the cool breeze.

Horseback riding, camel riding, and colorful car rides can be had here for some great hotels and entertainment for a fee. But we all have a responsibility not to pollute the beach so that everyone who comes here can enjoy the beauty and scenery as we keep our house clean. Keep the beach clean۔

Today, the effects of global warming are evident on the shores of the Arabian Sea. The shoreline has moved inland in just a few years.

Clifton Karachi directions/Clifton Karachi map

Clifton Karachi directions/Clifton Karachi map

Old Clifton Karachi

Clifton was uninhabited and settled by British rulers in the 19th century. In 1919, the Jehangir Kothari Parade was organized by a Parsi businessman. It was inaugurated in 1920 by Lady Lloyd and then later a Hindu businessman built Montana Palace which still stands to greet us and is used as a museum today. 
Old Clifton Karachi

The tomb of Abdullah Shah Ghazi is said to be even older and was built in the 18th-century in addition Abdullah Shah Ghazi was a Sufi, Three Swords Square was built in 1973 by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto۔ Today it is impossible to imagine that this area was uninhabited and barren.
Clifton Karachi

Clifton Karachi parks

1. Bagh Ibn-e-Qasim

Ibn-e-Qasim park is one of the most beautiful parks in Karachi. It has a total area of ​​130 acres and a span of 2 km it is one of the largest parks in Karachi. Construction began in 2005 and was completed two years later in 2007 it cost  600  Rs million location Block 3 Shahrah.e.firdousi Road Clifton near by Bahria Icon tower Karachi.

Bagh Ibn-e-Qasim      

Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Park            

Zamzama Park        


Moin Akhtar Park

Moin Akhtar Park was a city government project which was later named after Moin Akhtar۔It was inaugurated by the then Governor Dr. Ishratul Ibad location Clifton Karachi Block 5 it is a very beautiful park I advise you most visit.   

Amir Khusro Park

Amir Khosrow Park is located in Karachi Old City. It was built in 1960 and sports and fitness equipment has been provided here. It was inaugurated by then Chief Minister Mumtaz Bhutto even after so many years, the park is still standing near the Clifton Telephone Exchange.

Clifton Cantonment Park 

This is a beautiful park that is well taken care of you can enjoy the flowers here as well as go for a walk. The atmosphere here is very good. You and your family will enjoy coming here. It is located in Block 8 near Park City School Clifton and Moni Masjid Clifton.


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